Monday, July 18, 2016

No more big sky. Motivation arrived.

In February I got married. I love my wife but the worst part of getting married and sending invitations is taking pictures.

I had to look at these for a long time. I knew they were going to go on social media. I always tried to avoid pictures or try to do this. 

I was always looking up and opening my mouth to try to avoid showing my double chin as much as possible. Even hide it behind object. But man oh man did wedding pictures give me a wake up call. Especially when i had to be next to all these thin people 

I love my family and friends but I am so tired of being the fat guy of the group. 

I had been following this guy since the end of 2014. His name is Tim Bauer. He lost 225 lbs in a year. I had tweeted him and watched his videos over and over. I read his story more times than i can count. Tim is truly and inspiration. In March of 2016 i saw on his website that he had an opportunity for training! I jumped right on that opportunity. In April of 2016 I finally began my journey, A 3 month training session was in my future and i was so excited. Tim was very understanding and very encouraging. He had been right where i was. He struggled just like i did. He documented his entire journey, and that is what i am doing here today. I need to be accountable. My 3 month training with Tim meant more to me than he'll ever know. I am proud not only to call him my trainer, but my friend as well. I finally got to meet him after knowing about him for over a year. It was so awesome to sit down and talk with him and meet this guy who just a few months earlier had just been a person on the internet who lost weight. 
SOmetimes you meet people in your life who you know are going to mean a lot you. I knew from the time i found out about tim till the moment i met him that he was going to be an inspiration and a mentor to me. SOmetimes people can be different when you meet them in person. This was not the case with him. He is as truly genuine on the internet as he is in person. 

I can happily say that i have lost 40Lbs since April. I am continuing with all the lessons i learned. I know it is not going to be quick. I know its going to take its time to melt the fat away. Thats what my training was all about though. I have changed my mindset this time. I am not trying to make it all go away at once and get discouraged. This time i am doing it for me. Skyler finally decided he was done and was not being told by anyone else he needed to lose weight. Skyler is finally ready to love himself for him. Skyler is worth it. Skyler will do it this time. Skyler will not over celebrate success or over mourn the scale not moving. This journey is FINALLY one i am proud of and i want my family and friends proud of me too. I have already lost a shirt size and 2 suit sizes. My writing will improve as I write more again. I hope i didnt drown on too much. So until next time stay proud and stay confident. you can do it too. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Ugh man, here we are again. I need to get on it. I am sick and tired of being the big guy. I am going to be dating and getting married again someday and they should not have to put up with this. I need to lose weight and become the person I see inside. I keep getting distracted and I let life get in the way. I need to stop doing that. When I get hungry I am going to turn on Arthur Boorman's story or Tim Bauer. I need to stop. I need this so bad and its time I become accountable for it. I don't know how but I'm going to figure it out. I need to be able to run up the stairs without being out of breath. I'm done with it. So here we go again. I need to take it one day at a time. I need to do something to get me motivated. I'm 26 years old, and it’s not the time to look like this, I am in the prime of my life. I can't even find a picture I want to use because every single one I am looking up to avoid my fat double chin. Man... I get so mad at myself and I'm tired of my clothes not fitting right and struggling to even get my shoes on. HOW DID I LET THIS HAPPEN?!?! I wasn't supposed to get like this, but it sure creeps up on you. SO here we go again. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Not giving up!

I know it has been awhile since I blogged. I have not given up. The entire month of january i had an injured back and did not work out at all. Even though i wasn't working out i still was still down 20lbs because of the paleo diet. I have worked out 2-3 time a week in february. I am back at it and trying to hit it. I don't want to let my readers down, My coaches down, and most of all me. I am finding the movements getting easier. I can even strap myself into the rowing machine... with some struggle but i can do it. I am trying to stick to mostly paleo but mostly i am making healthier choices. I know this is going to be tough but i'm doing this for me. Soon we'll have a youtube video for a Crossfit revolution. that some of us in the gym are doing. I am very excited! As i get to know everyone in my gym it gets easier to go. As i can do more it gets easier to go. I seem to be prone to injury right now and i may have to take a little time to heal but i am figuring out ways to make it heal faster. Well thats all i have for now. Thank you guys for all your support and encouragement.
Wow watch this

Friday, December 19, 2014

A week and a half in!

Well here we are! The most exciting news of the week is that... I'M DOWN 6 LBS! It's been a long time since I have seen that kind of movement. I know it's mostly water weight but its still exciting. I have been doing CrossFit at CrossFit Fixx in Tucson. I have not worked out since Tuesday because i hurt my back from using it more than I have in YEARS! It's exciting even though right now it's painful. I am going to the Chiropractor again today and they are hopefully going to get me going. So until next time!
  Pizza Spaghetti Squash Favorite Paleo Meal so far

  Just me chillin at work. 


Friday, December 12, 2014

A Year and a half later...

Well... As it goes I did not continue. If you follow my my other blog you know what's been going on in my life so I'll cut he pleasantries ha ha. 

     I'm at it again. Seeing a higher number than before on the scare im basically scared straight. A few months ago I began doing what I thought was eating better. Turns out I was wrong. About 7 months ago my mom started crossfit. I finally decided to join her in that and eating the paleo diet. Tonight I completed my third crossfit workout. Here are my before work out pictured and after I got wodified. When I make more progress I will post my weight and my before pictures. Here's to finally.

 Beast before workout 
 Crossfit Fixx

I hope this journey is just what I need.Vlogs coming soon